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Vil du forbedre dig eller din medarbejdere på specifikke områder, lære at tilbyde behandlinger på en mere bæredygtig måde eller blive en miljøvenlig klinik? Så er dette kursus noget for dig!
Fx kan du få professionnel sparring og rådgivning ift.
- Diverse behandlinger, prissætning heraf mm.
- Kundeservice i skønhedsbranchen
- Innovation og iværksætteri
- Opstart af egen virksomhed
- Markedsføring
- Produktdesign og produktion
- Livet som kvindelig iværksætter
- Og meget mere!
Konsultationen foretages af Cucú Studios grundlægger, Teodora Cucú, som har diverse uddannelser inden for skønhedsbranchen, en bachelor i iværksætteri og innovation, samt en bachelor i design.
Ønsker du 1:1 træning ift. dine skønhedsbehandlinger skal du selv stå for at medbringe produkter og model. Hvis du er klinikejer kan du vælge at sende dine medarbejdere hen til os eller have os på besøg i din butik!
Efter mentoring ved LASHSTUDIOCUCU, har du mulighed for 10% på alle produkter og fremtidige kurser hos os.
Pris: 2599,- / 4 timer eller 799,-/ time*
*Ønsker du mentoring, send os en mail på [email protected] eller
1:1 Privat Mentoring
For kursus, bestil det via online booking her: eller send os en mail på [email protected].
Booking af mentoring følger afbestillingspolitik af behandlinger dvs. vi kræver mindst 24 timer aflysning, ellers sender vi kreditnota for 70% af beløbet, ved sent aflysning eller udeblivelse.
Do you wish to better yourself or your employees in specific areas, learn how to offer treatments in a more sustainable way or take it a step further and become an environmentally friendly clinic? No matter the area, this mentoring class is for you!
You can get professional advice in relation to:
- Different beauty treatments, price setting of these and more!
- Customer Service in the Beauty Industry
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Startups – how do you do it?
- Marketing
- Product Design and production
- Life as a female entrepreneur
- And much more!
The class will be held by the woman behind Cucú Studios, Teodora Cucú, who runs the succesful Beauty Clinic in the centre of Aarhus. Teodora has received multiple certificates and degrees throughout the years, amongst others a bachelor’s degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship AND a bachelor’s degree in Design.
If you wish to have a 1:1 training session in a specific beauty treatment, we kindly ask that you provide your own products and model. If you own your own clinic and wish to further educate your employees, you have the opportunity of either sending them to us or we will come to you!
After mentoring with us, you get 10% on all products and future courses with us.
Price: 2599, – / 4 hours or 799,- / 1 hour*
*If you simply wish to have a 1 hour consultation, send us an email at [email protected].
Booking of mentoring follows our cancelation policy, if you do not show up or cancel within 24 h of the mentoring tim, you will have to pay 70% of the mentoring amount.
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